Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I Am Me

A newly-minted, single girl. There have been many thoughts bottled up in my head recently, about men, about relationships, and about myself. I am not someone who is promiscuous, or altogether experienced in matters of love, which is possible why I am starting this. I like the anonymous yet public way in which I can voice those thoughts in my head I can't share with my friends.

Most of these thoughts, as indicated by the title of the blog, are about men and relationships. I recently (as of six months ago) left a relationship of two and a half years. It was devastating, and in some ways I'm still recovering from the shock. He was my first major relationship, and much of who I am today was shaped by the experiences I had with him. In ending it, I feel like I became a new person. While I feel that there was a net benefit, it still takes some getting used to.

One of the major changes was the fact that even though I had been in relationship of great significance, I'm still inexperienced when it comes to men. I've been told I'm not the "easy" type. I don't enter relationships lightly, and expect to find something great in them when I do. I've never really dated, but now it seems like I will be doing so until I find that next serious relationship. I've entered completely uncharted territory, and I won't lie, it is rather daunting.

Which brings me to this blog. I'd like to share my experiences and insight into this crazy world of dating, partly to understand what I'm doing myself, and partly to help others in the same place as me know that they are not alone. Plus, there seems to be no shortage of "stories" and funny occurrences I encounter that are comical, interesting, and/or raise questions about my own personal desires in a relationship and about the way a relationship should be that could translate to others as well.

So, enjoy yourself, and learn with me!

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